
Orthopedic Surgery: An Overview

Orthopedic Surgery: An Overview
Orthopedic surgery specialists deal with bone and its connecting tendons and ligaments. Problems in parts of the central nervous system like the spine might also need orthopedic surgery intervention as treatment or as a preventive measure.  Musculoskeletal and nerve disorders can be in-born, injury-related or due to aging. These disorders can be acute, chronic or accident-related.

Ortho in Greek means straight, while paideion means child. This shows that orthopedic surgeons originally treated bone deformities in children. They used braces and other such contraptions for corrective measures for straightening a child's bone deformity.  Casts made of plaster of paris were eventually used for fractures.  Development in the field of medical technology and anesthesia brought about a progression in the way orthopedic surgeons treat their patients.  Surgical procedures involving bones, connective tissues and nerves are now included in the line of work for orthopedic surgeons.

Though majority of orthopedic surgeons are into general practice of orthopedics, there are those who choose to specialize in joint disorders, bone grafting, hand surgery and disorders of the spinal column. There are orthopedic surgeons who specialize in trauma medicine where they hold the fort in emergency rooms and trauma centers. There are orthopedic surgeons whose work overlaps those of pediatricians, plastic surgeons, geriatrics and even podiatrists.  A new line for orthopedic surgeons is that which deals in sports medicine. Many big league sport teams retain the services of a qualified orthopedic surgeon for the care of their players.  In a nutshell, here is a list of specialized orthopedic surgery.
Note that the above list is not exclusive to orthopedic surgeons as in the field of medicine.  It is natural for a field of specialization to overlap with another field of specialization. For example, though spine surgery is an accepted branch of orthopedic surgery, neurosurgeons are also well-equipped and qualified to handle such procedures.

It would be quite an extensive list if all orthopedic procedures are listed as there are 12 major fields of surgery relating to orthopedic surgery and some
applied in orthopedic,traumatic,articular,amputation catagma joint,plastic surgery,veterinary surgery,neurosurgery,thoracic surgery and so on
1) Sterrilized no more than 135 °C ,oherwise the moter inside will be damaged
2) Nomal bone drill usually hold drill bits diameter No more than 6mm
3) Battery should be took out of the chamber right after surgery , make it full power before using 4) Battery can NOT be sterilized and autoclavable ,be sure to keep it dry
5) The whole tool should be WASHED and DRIED each time after surgery refer to hospital standard
6) Electric medical tool will not be used for continuously long time ,suggest 1 minute for intermittent operation
7) Whole part will not be disassembled without PROFESSIONAL instruction

