Bone Plates and other Orthopaedic Surgery tools
During any sort of an accident, a bone may get fractured. Bones are generally very tough and it takes a lot of force to fracture the bones. Once fractured, bones tend to heal by themselves. Many, in their childhood has a broken arm or a bone and it got healed within a few weeks or so. However, there are cases in which ossein cannot properly heal. Especially in critical locations like the skulls, nose and other delicate areas, the ossein cannot heat properly. During those cases, if the bone is completely damaged, it is replaced by casting. However, another alternative is using Bone Plates.Bone platesare basically support that holds the bones together. This allows the bones to heal properly, even if they take some time. Bone plates are attached to the bones using screws. There are specially designed screws for this purpose. The material that is used in making such orthopaedic surgeries tools are compatible with the human bod. Hence, these will not damage the body, or will cause any sort of reactions in the body. This makes bone plates a completely safe. The materials that are used consist generally of steel. There are other materials, like titanium. Also, bio-ceramics, like calcium phosphate ceramics are used.
Steel plates are the most common; however, they are not used for all cases. Steel plates can lose the tension after a certain period and in cases, where the bone will take time to heal, other materials are used. The fractured part needs to be compressed. The application of compression increases the healing speed.
There may be many cases during which, such plates will be needed. The orthopaedic surgeon will choose the best plate that is needed and will attach that to both sides of the bone using bone screws. The plates are positioned on both sides of the bone and are attached to the bone using screws, as far as possible from the fracture. This reduces tension on the already fractured bone.
The metal plate that is used to stabilize the bone and let it heal should also be removed once the bone has healed. This also needs additional surgery and time to recover. The removal actually causes damage to the ossein too. This is why experts are working on materials that, over time, will be absorbed by the bone, or will get used up by the body. Hence the extra surgery will not be needed. However, those materials do not offer much strength.
Bone Screws are used in orthopaedic surgeries. They are driven through the ossein using specialized tools. They are made out of the same materials that are used in making of the plates.
Arthroplasty is used in cases where there is no chance of the ossein getting healed. A metal replacement is used instead of the ossein. Arthroplasty is generally used in joint replacement of the pelvic area, shoulders and hands. It is different from total joint replacement since it leaves as much as seventy five percent of the muscles, ligaments and osseins intact.